Our physical education system is built on engaging students in forming a strong understanding of their physical health and fitness, through a variety of sports and activities like swimming, football, basketball, volleyball and other exercise. In PE lessons, students explore a wide range of sport and fitness activities and develop a strong understanding of their own physical capabilities and the resilience and commitment to their own personal fitness and health journey’s.

Our health education curriculum is comprehensive and taught primarily by our school counselor. Selective health and wellness topics are also taught by our dedicated advisory teachers (one international teacher in tandem with a local Khmer teacher) and supported by the school counselor. Underpinning our commitment to developing students who will value ethics, morality, and being caring members of society are our ‘4 Goodies’, namely: Good Child, Good Student, Good Friend and Good Citizen. At the very core of this focus on holistic development, and the linchpins of support for our students, are our dedicated Academic Class Supervisors (ACS team).