Curriculum Overview

Westview Cambodian International School has been founded with the intention of reshaping the youth of Cambodia by providing a unique educational journey, which combines the best of both Western and Cambodian education in order to push students to achieve and surpass even the highest international standards of education.

At Westview, we equip our students with the necessary skills to prepare them to be independent, lifelong learners, creative individuals, positive contributors and responsible, global thinkers, all while allowing them to retain the values that make them proud and productive members of our Cambodian society.

Students at Westview gain an exceptional international learning experience, with an international curriculum that is built upon the US Common Core State Standards (CCSS), adapted to the specific needs of our students.

How are students assessed at Westview Cambodian International School?

At Westview, students take a series of assessments throughout the academic year that are carefully designed to assess their skills, knowledge and understanding taught throughout each unit. Our assessments are based on ‘real-world’ learning experiences, in order to facilitate a deep connection in our students’ understanding of each of their academic subjects and the practical importance of them in the real world. 

Critical thinking is a core part of our curriculum, which is why all our assessments force students to apply important critical thinking skills that they will need throughout life. Each assessment not only evaluates where students are in terms of their academic progress, but also acts as a new learning experience which will better prepare them for subsequent learning experiences. The goal of assessment is for teachers and students to understand how well they are doing against our academic standards and develop an awareness of what they need to do- moving forward- for improvement.